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aug 26 '01

Something that irks me:

Kay Jewelers has a slogan--"Every kiss begins with Kay."

I mean, I get the pun. Kay. K. Kiss. K. I get it. Really. I do.

But. But! But the more obvious meaning is what I take issue with.

"Every kiss begins with Kay." Every kiss begins with you spending obscene amounts of money on stones whose source would make any self-respecting Amnesty International member cringe and cry, in order to satisfy the presumed superficiality of all females, who only care about material objects.

I may not be the most experienced kisser in the world, but on those occasions when I have kissed a guy, never has it been prompted by a guy waving a rock under my nose.

And if a guy I'd never kissed did wave a rock under my nose, I'd have him committed.

That, or I'd just look at him straight-faced for a few seconds, and then laugh really hard. And then I'd walk away.

And then he could take the rock back to Kay, so someone else could try to prompt a kiss with it, and get humiliated.

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