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jun 11 '02

"...Once, at your school, you showed me what you could do on parallel bars. I was so impressed!...

"...I hope you find someone that you can talk to when you need to. God for sure is with you, and He hears and cares, but sometimes you might need someone to give you a hug. Choose carefully...."

(birthday letter from Grandma, received by Kat in mail today)


i was walking home* from a unexpectedly pain-inducing music theory final, the soundtrack for which was a concerto for piano and two really fucking loud weedeaters. walking beside me were two gorgeous bleach blondes. halter tops, thong tops visible above the short-shorts--you know the drill. they were walking in step, reasonably close together, like friends have a tendency to do, but each had a cell phone glued to her ear, and each was speaking ("so, i was like, ohmygod, you know, 'cuz, like...") to a different person, for an extended period of time.

so, i was like, ohmygod, you know, 'cuz, like, this totally does not represent social interaction to me. like, "why are you walking together if your ears are glued to conversations with people who aren't even there?" it so made no sense to me.


*home = the dorm i live in until 4pm friday, at which time i become a full-time janitor and live free of useless

things like phone numbers for the time being.


the coolest compliment i've received in a long time:

blondeinside's comment on this survey: Ah, points without meanings and meanings without points. Defintely my favourite thing.

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