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oct 23 '02

i don't remember sucking my thumb. i don't remember how old i was when sucking my thumb no longer seemed a necessary component of my sense of security, or whyever it is people suck their thumbs for some length of time after they're born. i don't remember why i sucked my thumb and i don't remember doing it.

i can't tell you exactly why i started again today. i woke up from the nap that supplanted my 2:30 english class (the one about fairy tales) and there i was in the fetal position, sucking my thumb. there has been too much reality in both my waking and dreaming lives lately, and reality seems to be a thing harder and harder to sidestep the longer i'm out of my father's house, town, paradigm. it's more vivid in all its details; the skies are bluer and the oversexed old men are more viscious in their buzzardly attacks on my three a.m. self in my coffee-and-homework haunts downtown.

the main headline of the bellingham herald today announces:

"your children are Not Safe anywhere at any time."

somehow, i found an artifact from the prehistory of my prememory this afternoon, feeling how perfectly the curve of my thumb fits the roof of my mouth.

(are we built this way, or are we smarter when we're younger, in our fear of everything but the void that lies behind our own teeth?)

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